How do I remove a custom lovelace card that is installed with HACS


My custom mini media player Lovelace is not working properly since I have reinstalled. How do I remove the current installed custom mini media player (from Lovelace) completely?

When I click delete in HACS I see the folder on config/www/community being removed. However when I restart I still see the dashboards still functioning in Lovelace. Is that what I should expect? Reason for deleting because the buttons are there but not visible by the way :slight_smile:


I wouldn’t have thought so. Try clearing your web browser cache.

I’ve tried now with Incognito in Chrome and then indeed the cards are not loaded. But also using the app on IOS it is still showing the mini media player card working in my lovelace.

Is it best to clean up my lovelace first with all the references to the custom mini media player card before reinstalling the card again?

Need to do this more often :slight_smile: found the manage resources in the three dots above and deleted from there, restarted and reinstalled. Now working perfectly.

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Ah!! Thanks!!! How simple life can be (I spent an evening finding and removing the corresponding folders :rofl: