With the release of Core 2022.11 there came a change to the Lovelace front-end look:
The default dashboard theme has been adjusted to move a little closer to the new Material Design 3 guidelines. Borders around cards are now outlined (instead of having a shadow), and corners are a little more rounded
I use card_mod to use custom css to compress elements together as well as custom:stack-in-card to merge elements together.
Is there a way to globally change the theme to remove the new outline as it’s now quite prominent on my dashboards?
Hi @callumw: sorry - not related to your topic… but I see you are using the meross power strips… something, I am interested in…
So, therefore, I do have a few questions related to this hardware… maybe, you can provide a short answer?
→ does the meross “stripe” have energy counters for each socket? Or does it only count the energy usage for all sockets together?
I guess, the signal strength is just for the stripe itself, not for each socket (since this would not make much sense), right? ^^
Ok - so I tried this and now all my themes are black. I have no light/dark capability now. Where has it written its changes so I can undo them. Setting a new theme is NOT overwriting the black background any more.
If you set your profile to use the default (basic Lovelace) then it should work.
If not then it sounds like you have a typo, extra/missing padding in the raw dashboard YAML that’s preventing it from being displayed.
You could check this by creating a new/test dashboard to see if it generates a vanilla one for you correctly.
I have automations to change from dark to light. These have worked for years and now they don’t. I just don’t get it. I think I’ll roll back and see if that fixes it.
Are you using services to change between light / dark mode?
I’ve just tried the service “Home Assistant Frontend: Set theme” - and noticed, that it does not really change the modes of Any theme when it does have light and dark modes…
Unfortunately, I can’t test it with the default theme, since this does not appear in the selection of the available themes in the development area:
all available themes…
“Backend-Selected” needs to be selected if I want to change the theme through the service…
Only the “Google Theme” and “outline” appear in the selection of the service caller - I can’t select “default” or “system”…
If you do use custom themes, you can probably remove the border by adding the following to your themes yaml:
# Cards
ha-card-border-width: "0px"
that should remove the border from ALL cards.
So you don’t need to apply the card-mod to each card
I think, some of the themes available on HACS will be updated soon - to remove unwanted borders…
If you are using the HomeAssistant Default theme and want the old Design back, i’ve created an “Pre-2022.11.0” Theme
Original Home-Assistant pre 2022.11
Original “Outline” Theme (removed shadow)
Some variations without border-radius on the edges…