How do I reset / zero an energy sensor?

How can I reset the energy measurements for a smart plug so I can use it for a new purpose?

I have a Zigbee smart plug named Teddys Lab that I am now using to monitor my mushroom dryer. However, I used it a year ago to measure a heating element, and now, after reconnecting it and renaming it, it starts with a value of -9 kWh.

I’ve checked in Developer ToolsStatistics, but I don’t see any option to delete the history or reset the readings. The ramp button let’s me see “outliers” but they are a) numerous, b) fairly small (<0.3kwh) and c) can’t be deleted, only “adjusted” (with unclear effects). Manually click through hundreds of these “outlier” entries can not be the intended path.

So, what’s the correct way to reset the energy data to start fresh?

If using zigbee2mqtt, go to the web frontend, click on the device and select the device settings (specific). There it has energy offsets and accuracy decimal stuff. You can offset the energy so it reports 0.

In the following screenshots, it says the offset is percentage, so I’m assuming the value would be 100 (+ 100%).

The other option is to create a template sensor and add +9 to the value.

I’m using the built in ZHA. Surely there must be a way to simply erase all previous readings?

Usually it’s the zigbee plug reporting the energy usage itself, not hass. If so, all you can do is offset it or use a template to offset it within hass.

I have a few zigbee plugs that monitor power, the energy reported survives factory resets and is one of the reasons there are offset corrections directly in z2m.

Or use a utility meter that just counts from now onwards:

That’s a great point which I hadn’t thought of. Just don’t set the meter reset option to keep lifetime stats?

Don’t set the cycle option and it will count up forever.

Different plug, same broken user experience. This time it’s a Shelly smart plug.

There must be some way of zeroing a sensor or deleting historical values in Home Assistant?

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