How do I set a time on a lovelace card?

I’ve searched the forum and cannot find a simple way of setting a time on a card.

The input_datetime entity type , when clicking on it in a card, opens a ‘more info’ card which can then accept hrs:mins - but it’s a bit clunky. Is there no easy way to get a nice time input - like this:


I cannot find anything but it looks straight forward , no ?

I have seen attempts using sliders to set hours and minutes then some templating to create a ‘HH:MM’ label - not elegant is it?

Why not just use the custom card that you used as your example?

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Thank you, that is where I got the screenshot from indeed :slight_smile:

Because I have a picture-elements lovelace card, that has an entity_label on it, and when I tap it, I want the time picker to appear as a popup, select a time, close the popup and store the time in another entity.

I know how to the the transfer of time to another entitiy , but I do not know how to open the picker when I tap the label on the picture element card - do you?

Ahhh gotcha.
Try the browser mod custom integration - you can create custom popups.

God I wish I was as clever as you guys.


I will explore that , cheers.

FYI - I am trying to emulate a central heating programmer, where a card can have 1.n instances of another card that has in it, the days of week, a on time and off time that the heating will be set on - for the specified days. All working bar the timer bit which now I have so thanks.

How does this browser mod enable me to popup a time picker. It only has 5 entity types none of which enables a card to be displayed (as in the timer picker)?

Sorry, it’s easy . I should have read the instructions more.

Glad you got it working.

Sounds great. Would love to see the finished result!