How do I set my new price/kWh but also keep old data

When I started using the Energy Dashboard, I entered my electricity price at the time to see the costs. But if I now have to pay a different electricity price from a certain date on and enter the new price, will all historical values regarding costs change? How can I calculate the costs using a new electricity price from a certain date, while the old consumption is still multiplied by the old price/kWh?

I think it wont change the history, but you can try to change it and see what happens. For safety make a backup before.

Just change the price in the Energy panel configuration. The old calculations will not be touched.

My electricty price changed on January 1st. I updated it in the Energy panel config and just double-checked that the calculations for the old year are still done with the old price.

I don’t know anything about the internals of the Energy panel, but I would assume that it calculates things per day and then simply stores the result in the database (instead of calculating it when you open the panel).

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