I’m struggling to keep the time accurate on my host. I don’t use DHCP in my IOT network, nor do I allow insecure ports out to the outside world from it such as NTP. So I need to set my specific internal NTP servers which is the correct way to manage stratum servers in a distributed network. As usual, I have discovered that trying to do any normal OS administration is a bit like peeling my own bloody fingernails off after smashing them with a ball peen hammer. I don’t appear to have any ability to add packages through apt-get so just adding the NTP package I guess is out. There aren’t any settings in the setup configuration pages in HA webui. The SSH add-on only installs a busybox shell apparently so I’m not sure if that is limiting my visibility to the underlying OS, but there isn’t an /etc/systemd directory which also means I cant seem to edit the systemd ntp configuration. Any ideas on what other options there are?
I assume from the complaints about manageability you are using HAOS? Might you be better off with a container based install or even Core if you want full control of your environment?
Actually that seems exactly like what I want to do. So scratch all this. I’m going to build this core version
Well that didn’t get me very far…
homeassistant@hacore:/srv/homeassistant $ python3 -m pip install wheel
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
Requirement already satisfied: wheel in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages (0.34.2)
homeassistant@hacore:/srv/homeassistant $ pip3 install homeassistant==2023.9.3
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement homeassistant==2023.9.3
ERROR: No matching distribution found for homeassistant==2023.9.3
And even just looking for any version doesn’t appear to be very happy:
homeassistant@hacore:/srv/homeassistant $ pip3 install homeassistant==
Looking in indexes: https://pypi.org/simple, https://www.piwheels.org/simple
ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement homeassistant==
ERROR: No matching distribution found for homeassistant==
Bummer. The most complicated I installed was Supervised - which probably won’t suit you either. Maybe start a new topic and make sure you are following Core install instructions for the correct hardware platform as they do differ slightly.
in the HA-OS ," ha -promt/cli ", type " login " then you end up in the right "Container " and find systemd there
Why not try docker? Much easier to manage.
I’ve been thinking about moving over to docker, I already have a small server running with docker containers (pihole,dns,…) only thing holding me back is that I also run deconz, and I don’t know if I can run that on docker
I think Docker is the way I’m going to end up going at this point. The only Add-on that I really need is ESPHome and it too can easily be deployed as a container.
The ESPHome addon is only used for compiling and easily manage updates.
There is command line utilities for this, so it can be done on another machine, like. Amore powerful desktop, which will also make it a lot faster.
The ESPHome integration is the one needed for communication with HA, but this is an integration and not an addon.