I have obviously missed something when defining the FastLED effects, because the motion is moving in the opposite direction of the arrows on the WS2815b LED strip. How can I make it go in the other direction?
Here is the light:
definition of my yaml as defined in ESPHome.
# Define LED strip connected and amount of LEDS
- platform: fastled_clockless
chipset: ws2812b
pin: GPIO16
num_leds: 600
rgb_order: GRB
name: ${friendly_name}
# Use default parameters:
- random:
# Customize parameters
- random:
name: Random effects slow
transition_length: 30s
update_interval: 30s
- random:
name: Random effects fast
transition_length: 4s
update_interval: 5s
- addressable_rainbow:
name: Rainbow
- addressable_rainbow:
name: Rainbow with customization
speed: 10
width: 512