How do I set up custom home/away logic for a person with multiple trackers?

Context: the child in my house hold typically leaves home with either their cell phone, or a BLE tracker in their school backpack (sometimes with both). I’d like them to show as ‘away’ when either of these two is away/not home. However, this is not supported by the default logic as presented here: Person - Home Assistant - and there are no hints on that page to customize the logic.

I know I can use a helper boolean, but that adds a layer of complexity for automations (especially those that deal with counting persons home/away).

Apparently, I can create a “helper tracker” by adding an imaginary device tracker (with some made-up MAC address) to known_devices.yml and then I can update its state with device_tracker.see service, but is there a less hacky way to do this? Among other things, what I don’t like is that the documentation says that known_devices.yml is being phased out, so this is not a long term solution.