How do i setup MQTT motion alerts with a YI Cam?

I am trying to get my Yi (Hacked) Cams to act as motion sensors and I have no clue how to use MQTT or any setup any of it i do know i have an MQTT server setup already and if someone could give me a hand that would be great.

Hacked? Very informative.

What firmware did you install?

Which yii cam did you hacked? I am also interested.

This is the Hacked firmware i use

i have the Dome 1080p cam

It is in their wiki, although I must say it wasn’t easy to find

Thanks so much i went through there github a few times and couldn’t find anything :woozy_face: i’ll give a shot and post back here if it works

I set it up according to the wiki but it seems like it isnt working, are u able to help me?