I don’t think she’s going to divorce me, but… the Wife Acceptance Factor on HA is a little low right now due to our bedroom light turning on and off in the middle of the night. Not every night - but often enough to be annoying. Here’s the log trace:
The toggles are actually backwards - the “off” events are turning the light on. Pattern is always the same on and then off a few seconds later times two, then about 5 minutes off, then on for good (and I have to turn it off with the switch or Alexa). Always at about 0015 local.
I have exactly one automation installed and it’s on a completely different device - a plug in the garage (and working fine).
I’d be quick to blame Alexa - but Alexa shows no events in her log, and she accesses this device via HA (which talks to it using Bond).
Ideas on how to troubleshoot this?
Running: [Home Assistant 2022.11.4 Supervisor 2022.10.2 Operating System 9.3 Frontend 20221108.0 - latest] on a standalone Debian 11 box.
Wouldn’t explain why it always happens the same way and at the same time - fast on/off, then a pause, than on for good. And it doesn’t seem to affect any other devices / entities.
how about starting with step one: figure if its ha or not. Disable the entity for a day or two. If its gone then, you know where step 2 will need to be.
if its not gone, you have other corners to explore
by the way, what integration does the fan belong to? is it the same as the plug in the garage?
I had similar case with hue and having 2 devices defined in same ‘room’ which werenot in the same room actually. So i got hue to blame, but it was me moving around the plugs and not seperating the rooms
Thanks - makes sense. I think I’ll delete the entity and re-add it using a different name so people can still use it. Doesn’t happen every night, which makes it even weirder and harder to troubleshoot.
The plug in the garage is a different integration - Tuya - while the light is using Bond. Interesting problem, though.