How do i turn off encryption for backups? I hate encryption!

How do i turn off encryption for backups??? I hate encryption!!!

FYI, there’s a thread with more replies, including links to an initial decryption tool:

There is a trade-off between the convenience of cloud backups, the user protection of encryption, the protection to Nabu Casa of encryption, and the ability to take a backup and expand the individual .tar.gz parts for a whole raft of reasons.

Sadly, the “plausible deniability” protection of a hosting provider from user content (“no access, no subpoenas”) is going to beat the needs of a few technical users.

Thankfully, a few hardy community members have looked at GitHub and worked out the crypto…

I also don’t want to be the first to reply to a restoration community support question to say “No key; No backup; No buts” :frowning:

If this helps, :heart: this post!

The answer is making own script… with this

  - action: hassio.backup_full
    metadata: {}
      compressed: true
      name: Full Backup {{ now().strftime('%m-%d-%Y') }}
alias: Full Backup
description: ""

Thanks, could you please post one example with the full script?

There is no script in that example: that’s all there is to get it working because hassio.backup_full is an embedded action in HA.

Thanks Nick4 , I can just add the above in my configuration file?

No, you have to put that in an automation or a script.
Simply put: an automation needs a trigger, a script has to be started ‘manually’ or with a button on your dashboard.

you have to add it as a script.

Settings → automation/scripts

THANKS ELY3M ELY M. and Nick4 works great , thanks

I agree. Not gonna do it. No, I won’t write a script. Enough to worry about without Hassio giving me homework.