How do I undo a change in the UI dashboard editor?


When using the browser UI editor to edit a dashboard (adding/changing/deleting cards etc.) how do I undo a change?

E.g. if I edit a card and remove configuration by mistake, I don’t see anywhere to undo that.

When searching I found which say it was added, but I can’t find it using the UI nor it being mentioned in any documentation etc.


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There is no way to undo adding/changing/deleting a card that I can see.


Ack, thanks! Then it’s not just me missing something.

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I have a “test” view on my admin only system dashboard. I copy cards there if I’m going to be making major edits. That way if something goes wrong I can always start again by copying from the source view again. When I’m happy with the changes I copy the card back to where it came from.

Many users have UI-driven dashboards (so called storage mode) for tests only; for main purpose they use yaml-driven dashboards - edited in a text editor where you can use “undo”.