Hi, I want to use adaptive lighting to change brightness and color temperature over the day. Sadly I have a few Ikea light bulbs and I know that they have some issues with transitions.
evertheless, is it somehow possible to adapt adaptive lighting so that it works with the Ikea lamps? I wasn’t able to get it to work
Sure, you can’t use transitions that are many minutes long, but tens of seconds works fine. I’m currently using a 20 second transition, but I’m pretty sure 30 seconds worked fine, and longer likely will.
After setting the transition time to 20 or less it works better, but not perfect. Sometimes, if I turn the lights on, only color Temperatur is changing but not the brightness. It can take a while untill the brightness is at the desired value.
I can fix this by enable separate_turn_on_commands. But then light groups behave strange. Lights don’t turn on at the same time, they turn in one after the other. But color temp and brightness are correct.
I assume I have to live with one of these behaviours?