I’m trying to keep a bar chart of the times when my Got-Into-Bed automation runs. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. I’ve spent three days trying to make sense of it.
The automation only runs once a day. I’m trying to keep records to see if I go to bed more than 8 hours before my alarm goes off
(Much less important: Additionally, I’m trying to make something that checks what time my android cell phone Alarm and see if I got into bed more than eight hours before it. The android alarm clock is listing random times, sometimes including alarms in the past.)
And you’ll get an history of your go to bed time.
How to graph it is a different question. As it, it will show a continuous value, like ‘8:23pm’ throughout the day, until you set the new time.
Thanks everybody for all of your help. The Input datetime worked to record the automation running. For convenience I made a datetime for the date, the time, and both.
That all works correctly.
But, when I try to chart the data, it’s reported as… sixteen. Which is very peculiar. I think this has something to do with the time being sometime around 16:00. We’re getting very close though, a few more decimal places and we’ll have it!