How do you execute an action input alongside other actions?

I’m working on a blueprint where I need to execute an input action as part of a sequence with actions in the blueprint.

As a minimal example:

  name: "Test: action after delay"
  domain: automation

      name: Action after delay

  - delay: { seconds: 5 }
  - !input action1

This doesn’t work, of course, because !input action1 is an array, so when you try to save an automation this way you get the error:

Unable to determine action @ data[‘action’][1]

My workaround so far is to add a pointless if statement, just so I can use the then: parameter:

  - delay: { seconds: 5 }
  - if: { condition: template, value_template: "{{ true }}" }
    then: !input action1

Is there a better way to do this?

I have used this…

That’s pretty much what I have; the key is having the action under a then: or something that takes a list of actions.

Do you know why you’re checking 'none', 'null', 'unavailable', ''? I’ve never seen those values be assigned to an action: selector, and I can’t find a way to make it happen. Perhaps an older HA version?

That’s just the undesirable ones. You can make your own list.‘Nothing’ could be interpeted as any of those, depending.

Hi Gregmac, did you ever find a better solution. I doing the same and it looks pointless.

did you ever find a better solution

Unfortunately not. I still have many automations with this.

I just use sequence or parallel

  - sequence: !input action1