How do you fix a blind showing the wrong open/close state?

Hi all, I am very new to Home Assistant, so this may very well be a simple thing I am doing wrong or, just nothing I can do about it.

I have a Philips Dynalite install and I wanted to push everything out to Home Assistant - then maybe HomeKit, in order to manage automations etc… better.

I have a few electric blinds and have added them all into the home assistant, but for some reason one of the blinds is showing the open/close state wrong, where as all the others are showing their state correctly.

Is there a way to tell/flip/change the status in Home Assistant to reflect the actual state of the blind?

Have you opened a core issue (if it is an official integration)? You could make a template cover which would allow you to manually flip the states, but it would be better if the integration author could check and just fix whatever is causing it to be backwards.

That was my first port of call, but it looks like the Philips Dynalite integration is now deprecated. I’ll do some googling around how to create a template cover and see if that will help me fixing the issue, cheers.

I have an update on this. I was able to get hold of the installer and they told me due to the two blinds being together and the motors being on opposite sides they had to reverse the program so the blinds run in parallel, that was the reason HA saw them in the wrong state. Some rewiring and programming later, it looks like HA is now displaying the correct status.