How do you get HA to stop sending a High LOW state on GPIO on boot up

i have a RPI4 i use gpio pin 22 as a Trigger button to an Arduino that treats it as a Mometary swtich a OFF ON OFF to activate and OFF ON OFF to decativate… and gpio pin 24 is Reading the state

i have tried several configuartion then reading there is no fix for RPI4
but how do i stop RPI4 triggering the Arduino at reboot

if the ardunino is ON and you reboot HA it triggers the switch and deactivates
what i doing wrong

  • platform: rpi_gpio
    state_pull_mode: “UP”
    • relay_pin: 23
      state_pin: 24


- platform: rpi_gpio

invert_logic: true

state_pull_mode: “UP”


23: Water Valve # Sauna Water Pump Home Assistant Toggle Switch To Activate Pump with Arduino


  • platform: rpi_gpio

invert_logic: true

#state_pull_mode: "UP"
  23: Water Valve      # Sauna Water Pump Home Assistant Toggle Switch To Activate Pump with Arduino


  • platform: rpi_gpio
    invert_logic: false
    24: water_position # Sauna Water Pump Valve Sensor Postion On/Off (Open/Closed)