I’ve been ignoring NFC for some time now but, after building a new HA server, I decided to branch out.
Ordered some NFC tags, cards and a PN532.
The tags arrived and I had one up and running in less than a minute - very nice!
But then I realised that I couldn’t (easily) scan a tag with a phone unless it was unlocked. By the time I’ve picked up the phone, woken up the screen, swiped up and entered the unlock code, I could have pressed one of my Hue/Tradfri remotes, triggered a motion sensor or just said “Hey Google” 20 times over. I have a few rooted phones which I can use to bypass this restriction but none of them is my primary phone (nor is it ever going to be). But then I don’t need to use the primary phone around the house anyway, do I?
The PN523 will certainly change the equation. But otherwise, it’s all too hard.
None of this is in any way the fault of HA, of course.
So what is your use case for NFC? Is it where you want to do a bunch of different things and, once the phone is unlocked, you can scan tags to your heart’s content?
I know I’m missing something but then I’ve only had a half-hearted go at this as I’m in the middle of other projects. I’m sure it will become clear in due course.