How do you use ESPHome?

I’m planning on creating (improving) a vscode addon for ESPHome. Now, how many people use the hassio addon or the dashboard in contrast to a code editor with just yaml validation.
Can a poll be created here?
Please share how the ESPHome experiencie can be improved.


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I use the dashboard in my browser (port 6052). Then use upload through usb the first time and ota thereafter. There is validation in the dashboard, although I could see vscode being even better. I don’t use the hassio addon (I don’t use hassio) - my esphome is installed via docker.

Having said that, my configurations have been pretty basic and mainly using copy/paste from other people’s work. In fact that is pretty well my only programming these days, despite having first learned to program at a teletype in 1979.

I just use vi and run esphome in a venv from a bash session.
It works fine for me (but I’m old-fashioned. :grinning:)

But I use vscode and/or Atom a fair bit for other things so that might be nice.

I too just use my local editor, nano, notepadqq or if I’m feeling geeky I might open up vscode.

I use VScode to write my initial ESPhome config files then validate in the addon dashboard.

A plug-in would be really handy.

I used to use the dashboard for new device creation, but when I realized it just recognizes a new YAML file as a device, I started doing that with Atom. Dashboard for me is just maintenance and troubleshooting.

Will whatever you create integrate log streaming and OTA uploads?

Thanks for the feedback, it’s really just getting started, I uploaded a pre-release in the dev channel of ESPHome in discord

You need to have esphome working in the command line, did not test using the dashboard link yet.