How does the "Exclude from Home Assistant" setting work?

I have added a few Z-wave devices, and I see a lot of uninteresting entities in the web interface.
In the Configuration page under Z-Wave, there is an option to “Exclude from Home Assistant”. After selecting, clicking save and restarting Home Assistant, I see then disappear. However, I could not find out where this was stored, neither by diffing the zwcfg or ha configuration. Where is it stored, and how can I do this by text or e.g. revert the exclusion?

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I found a file called zwave_device_config.yaml that seems to hold those settings. It was stored in the .homeassistant folder.

Thank you :slight_smile:

For others with the same question - it seems like this file is saved when closing HA.

I have 5 zwave devices and have excluded a large number of entities. My zwave_device_config.yaml now contains over 190 lines with exclude: true. Though after restarting HA, I still see the entities show up on the ‘states ui’ page.

Am I missing something :)? thanks!

Does your configuration have an include for the file? In configuration.yaml:

  device_config: !include zwave_device_config.yaml

ahhhh nice catch. of course! was missing that entry, added it: all unwanted entities gone. Thanks a bunch!

I have used this setting a lot to exclude entities that are created by the nodes. Now I need to re-include some of these entities (added another led strip to an RGBW-dimmer).

How do I do this?

I tried excluding the entities in zwave_device_config.yaml and restarting, but no entities came back. I also tried changing the same entities to ignored: false and restarting, but still no entities.

EDIT: I figured it out. The problem was the automatic naming of the entities as they are included in HA. I have four of the same RGBW dimmer, meaning that when I re-included the excluded entities they took a name that previously belonged to another dimmer with still excluded entities. Including all of them again made them all show up, and I could then exclude the ones I didn’t want again.