How Enter/Leave Triggers work

I am trying to setup a notification to my companion cell phone whenever an earthquake triggers, and I sort of have it working. Here is what I did so far:

  1. I setup the platform for usgs_earthquakes_feed in configuration.yaml
  - platform: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    feed_type: "past_day_all_earthquakes"
    radius: 25000
    minimum_magnitude: 1.0
    latitude: redacted
    longitude: redacted
  1. Then I setup an automation with platform trigger
alias: Earth Quake Alert
description: ""
  - platform: geo_location
    source: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    zone: zone.redacted1
    event: enter
    id: earthquake_near_redacted1
  - platform: geo_location
    source: usgs_earthquakes_feed
    zone: zone.redacted2
    event: enter
    id: earthquake_near_redacted2
  - condition: template
    value_template: "{{ trigger.to_state.attributes.type == 'earthquake' }}"
  - choose:
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - earthquake_near_redacted1
          - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
              message: Magnitude {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.magnitude }}
              title: Earthquake detected in redacted1
                url: >-
      - conditions:
          - condition: trigger
              - earthquake_near_redacted2
          - service: notify.mobile_app_pixel_5
              message: Magnitude {{ trigger.to_state.attributes.magnitude }}
              title: Earthquake detected in redacted2
                url: >-
mode: queued
max: 15

The reason for the URL is because I’m hoping to get the notification to launch a URL, but that problem can be for another day.

The thing I notice happening, is when I restart HA I almost immediately get a notification. This is probably because I have the threshold set very low (for testing purposes). However, I never get another one.

My guess is that since the earthquake feed never “leaves” then it does not trigger an “Enter” again.

I feel like since I have a daily feed, as long as my “real” threshold is high (which it will be) then I won’t have to worry much about it. But I really would like to set this up so even if there were 2 earthquakes in 1 day, even at my “real” threshold, that I would receive a notification both times.

TL-DR; Is my trigger with platform geo_location “enter” the reason why I only get notifications once?

If so, my main question is - is there a way that I can trigger with the usgs_earthquakes_feed on every new item that appears?