How HA calculate forecast solar energy production

How HA (or what sensor HA use of calculate forecast solar energy production? tnks.

It is explained here…

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ok, I but I need a hourly forecast energy PV for all day, as showed in pic,
(I see forecast solar have “current hour” and "next hour) sensor) maybe “sensor.energy_production_today” configured in a “utility_meter: hourly” ? I will try :slight_smile:

Maybe There are some additionally, less common sensors, that are disabled by default?

Hi! Any luck?
I want to use the forecast in apexcharts-card and in some automations but cant find hourly data anywhere.

hi, I use this “sensor.energy_current_hour” or “sensor.energy_next_hour” from forecast solar.

Could someone please share a yaml of the graph which shows the prediction?

Thank you very much!

Hi, did anyone get the yaml for the graph?
Using the other sensors, the graph is gradually built up during the day, as opposed to having the full forecast.

Did you got it fixed?