I’m using a GE universal remote with a Flirc IR receiver to control my Harmony Hub activities and devices with a Python_Script integration. It works GREAT!!
coniguration.yaml (snippet):
# flirc remote keyboard
#- device_descriptor: '/dev/input/event3'
device_name: 'flirc.tv flirc Keyboard'
type: 'key_up'
coniguration.yaml (snippet):
# harmony hub
- platform: harmony
name: HUB@3911 Master Bedroom
coniguration.yaml (snippet):
# default integrations
automations.yaml (snippet):
- alias: Remote Key Pressed
id: '1571938694985'
description: ''
- event_data: {}
event_type: keyboard_remote_command_received
platform: event
condition: []
- service: python_script.control_hub
entity_id: 'remote.hub_3911_master_bedroom'
key_code: '{{ trigger.event.data.key_code }}'
current_activity: "{{ state_attr('remote.hub_3911_master_bedroom', 'current_activity') }}"
log_level: 'warn'
service: python_script.control_hub:
Get Harmony Hub Command
# Parameters
entity = data.get('entity_id', "remote.hub_3911_master_bedroom")
activity = data.get('current_activity')
key = data.get('key_code')
loglevel = data.get('log_level', 'warn')
indent=" "
logs = {'warn': logger.warn}
logger = logs[loglevel]
# keyMap for Flirc 'keyboard_remote_command_received' event key_codes
keyMap = {
"1" : "1",
"2" : "2",
"3" : "3",
"4" : "4",
"5" : "5",
"6" : "6",
"7" : "7",
"8" : "8",
"9" : "9",
"10": "0",
"11": ".",
"12": "enter",
"13": "input",
"20": "<<",
"21": "<>",
"22": "><",
"23": ">>",
"24": "rec",
"25": "stop",
"26": "eject",
"30": "up",
"31": "down",
"32": "left",
"33": "right",
"34": "ok",
"35": "list",
"36": "menu",
"37": "guide",
"38": "back",
"50": "media1",
"51": "media2",
"52": "media3",
"53": "media4",
"60": "vol+",
"61": "vol-",
"62": "chan+",
"63": "chan-",
"64": "chan<",
"65": "mute"
# hubCommands
hubCommands = {
'Watch DirecTV': {
"vol+" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeUp"},
"vol-" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeDown"},
"mute" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "Mute"},
"<<" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Rewind"},
"<>" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Play"},
"><" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Pause"},
">>" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "FastForward"},
"chan+": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "ChannelUp"},
"chan+": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "ChannelUp"},
"chan-": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "ChannelDown"},
"chan<": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "ChannelPrev"},
"up" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "DirectionUp"},
"down" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "DirectionDown"},
"left" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "DirectionLeft"},
"right": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "DirectionRight"},
"ok" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Select"},
"list" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "List"},
"menu" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Menu"},
"guide": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Guide"},
"back" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "Exit"},
"num" : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "0"},
"." : {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "-"},
"enter": {"device": "DirecTV Genie", "command": "enter"}
'Watch Fire TV': {
"vol+" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeUp"},
"vol-" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeDown"},
"mute" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "Mute"},
"<<" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Rewind"},
"<>" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Play"},
"><" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Pause"},
">>" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "FastForward"},
"rec" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Record"},
"stop" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Stop"},
"eject": {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Red"},
"up" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "DirectionUp"},
"down" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "DirectionDown"},
"left" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "DirectionLeft"},
"right": {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "DirectionRight"},
"ok" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "OK"},
"list" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Home"},
"menu" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Menu"},
"back" : {"device": "Amazon Fire TV Stick", "command": "Back"}
'Watch Antenna TV': {
"vol+" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeUp"},
"vol-" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "VolumeDown"},
"mute" : {"device": "Sonos PLAYBAR", "command": "Mute"},
"num" : {"device": "Vizio TV", "command": "0"},
"." : {"device": "Vizio TV", "command": "-"}
# sendCommand
def sendCommand(hass, logger):
global entity, activity, key, keyMap, hubCommands, indent
indent = ' '
logger("######## Send Command:")
# Validate Data
if entity is None:
return logger(indent+"Abort: enityId is missing")
elif activity is None:
return logger(indent+"Abort: activityName is missing")
elif key is None:
return logger(indent+"Abort: keyCode is missing")
elif keyMap.get(key) is None:
return logger(indent+"Abort: keyMap is missing for remote key: {}".format(key))
# Determine service action and service data values
service_action = 'send_command'
service_data = {'entity_id' : entity}
if keyMap[key] is "media1":
service_action = 'turn_off'
elif keyMap[key] is 'media2':
service_action = 'turn_on'
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch DirecTV'})
elif keyMap[key] is 'media3':
service_action = 'turn_on'
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch Fire TV'})
elif keyMap[key] is "media4":
service_action = 'turn_on'
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch Antenna TV'})
elif keyMap[key] is "input":
# toggle activities
service_action = 'turn_on'
if activity == 'Watch DirecTV':
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch Fire TV'})
elif activity == 'Watch Fire TV':
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch Antenna TV'})
service_data.update({'activity': 'Watch DirecTV'})
elif int(key) >= 1 and int(key) <= 10 and hubCommands.get(activity,{}).get('num') is not None:
# Numeric Key Pressed on supported device
service_action = 'send_command'
service_data['command'] = key
elif hubCommands.get(activity,{}).get(keyMap[key]) is not None:
# Get device command
service_action = 'send_command'
return logger(indent+"Abort: hubCommand is invalid for activity: '{}' or keyMap: '{}'".format(activity, keyMap[key]))
logger(indent+"Call Service to: '{}'".format(service_data['entity_id']))
logger(indent+"service_action: '{}'".format(service_action))
logger(indent+"service_data: {}".format(service_data))
hass.services.call('remote', service_action, service_data, False)
return logger(indent+"Service Called")
####### MAIN ###########
logger('#### Running Python_Script: "control_hub"')
logger(indent+"using input data:")
logger(indent+"entity: '{}'".format(entity))
logger(indent+"activity: '{}'".format(activity))
logger(indent+"key: '{}'".format(key))
logger(indent+"loglevel: '{}'".format(loglevel))
hass.bus.fire('control_hub_event', { "entity_id": entity, "state": "send_command", "key_code": key, "current_activity": activity })
sendCommand(hass, logger)
hass.bus.fire('control_hub_event', { "entity_id": entity, "state": "command_sent", "key_code": key, "current_activity": activity })