How in normal version?

I have follow that Installation Guide and now after some Days of Pain i know that this guide is rubbish and install only a light version that maybe can not upgraded! I cant find a way to install that Node Red Addon.

Thank you for wasting my time!!

Sorry to hear that.
But if someone wants to install that version then I guess it’s a good thing there is a mail for it.

When I go to home assistant webpage the natural way leads me to this page:

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This guide is definitely not rubbish, it’s just an alternative installation method that doesn’t fit your needs. This is an installation in a virtual environment and can for sure be upgraded.

If you want to have add-ons, follow the guide that Hellis posted, which will install Home Assistant OS. It’s the first thing you get when you follow the docs, I don’t know how you arrived at the link for the venv installation, maybe google?

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