How integrate Tile mates in HA?

How do I jhave to integrate the Tile mates in HA ?



  • platform : bluetooth_tracker
    consider_home : 60
    interval_seconds: 15
    track_new_devices: true
  • platform: tile
    track_new_devices: true
    hide_if_away: false


hide_if_away: false
icon: mdi:view-grid
name: tile 2fd4b350d1c843ac
track: true

That is all I have. The question is what i am mssing ? Automation ?

Automation is for automating things.

What exactly are you looking to do? What do you feel is missing about it?

Your config looks fine, you should have a device_tracker entity with your tile in Ha

Do I have to create zones ? When a tile enters a zone is the state changing from “home” to “not_home” ?
I do have to test the state , and depending on this do some automation.
I want to start simple : I come home with the tile and f.e. a light starts burning , I leave my home and the light goes out.
Sorry I am new in HA. Maybe I have to read a little bit more on this forum

You have a default Home Zone. If you want other Zones, you need to create them. This has nothing to do with the tile specifically though.

When a tile LEAVES the home zone, it is “not_home”. If it enters another zone its state will be THAT zone name.

Just use the home/not_home states then. Don’t worry about other zones.