How "Local" is Frigate?

This might sound like a silly question, but are the Frigate integration and the Frigate card entirely local to my HA server, or do they have cloud dependencies?

It’s a given that go back to a cloud based repository in order to update, so there is some form of external communications, but are any parts of Frigate dependent on a cloud service to run?

For example, is the camera data that Frigate reads transmitted entirely over a person’s local network (Presuming that it has a direct internal IP), or does it go out to the internet and then come back again, or is there some form of server on the cloud that would cause all Frigate instances to stop functioning if it went dark?

I’m presuming that Frigate and the IP cameras are on the same network and are using local IP addresses. Rather than some edge.

Frigate is fully local. You have to choose to update, it does not do so on its own and your instance does not know if there is an update. It will only step outside of your network if you configure it to do so. I can’t speak to Frigate+ though.

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I would say it’s completely local, but I guess you could set it up otherwise. I have mine configured so all cameras are on an isolated VLAN without access to other non-camera devices or the internet. Once you start using Frigate+, then you lose some of the privacy since you would be uploading images to their servers. Frigate+ is optional though and you choose which images are uploaded.

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