How long does it take to notice on / off condition

Hi there,

I’m trying to get a hue lightswitch to control other devices. I’m trying to do this by adding an automation that notices if the hue light changes from off to on, which in turn turns something else on.

The problem is the amount of time it takes for Hassio to notice that the Hue light’s state has changed to on. It seems to be in the region of about 30 seconds. Is there any way to speed this up? Or am I going about this in an odd way?

Actually - I should clarify that my switches & lights are actually Ikea Tradfri connected to a Hue hub. And also that the other lights that I am controlling are Lightwaverf.

From memory, the hue component relies on polling to see if anything has changed. In my setup it takes a lot less time to respond, but it can still be 5 seconds or so.

Before 0.60 you could set the scan interval on the hue component to something like 5 seconds but that isn’t working at the moment due to some changes in 0.60.

Any idea if this functionality will come back? I’m on .61.1
I added the following to configuration.yaml just in case:

  • platform: lightwave
  • platform: hue
    scan_interval: 3

but it hasn’t changed anything.


I’m interesting to by a method to reduce time (like before the new Hue component) !

Dis you find a solution ?

thank you !

Didn’t really find a solution. Sorry.

I have a Hue v2 hub (the square one) and my lights take roughly 1-3 seconds to engage, usually it’s pretty “instant”. Sometimes however, if my wife for example changes things via the Hue app, it can take 5 seconds for HA to recognize the change. Sometimes it even refuses to respond to requests from HA when she does this shrug

EDIT: I came across some other threads looking for other things and I noticed some people were stating that using homeassistant.turn_off/on was bigger/better/faster/stronger than using light.turn_off/on – sure enough, no more interfere from Hue app and lights are instant. ymmv.