How reliable are the Tasmota'ed Sonoffs in the long run? (Share your experience and/or configuration please)

Just upgrade one from 2.3.0 to 6.7.0. Had no problems. I will still have to see if it stays connected.

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I was using the standard sonoff pre compiled binary from thehackbox, have you done this a or used your own smaller binary.

I managed to get minimal on with the new core but it wouldn’t install the full version.

Did you do this over the air with URL for hackbox or github?

OTA from this URL :

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Just tried another basic with its and same issue. This one was on 6.5 with 2.3 core now stuck on 6.7 minimal. Never had issues with previous upgrades. Any ideas how to try and fix without a wire flash?

Are you sure ? There is a delay between the 2 flashes, in between it can look that it is stuck in the minimal.

It’s definitely staying on minimal. It looks like it is trying several times before it gives up on the full version. Just tried reset 5 and trying again now.

Just tried another one, no issues. However, I did notice something strange. The one I flashed an hour ago :
The one I flashed just now :

There seems to be a new version in this time

My fault, took the wrong url for the second one.

Just done direct upload in the browser and it worked - now on 6.7.1 - not sure if the minor version fixed this issue.

Edit: just uploaded minimal and standard files for 6.7.1 to a local webserver and set that as the otaurl, last one I did worked fine ota.

I’m late to the party, but since I had some minor problems with my 1 in-use Sonoff, I thought I’d chime in. I have it outdoors in a covered screen room. It’s Tasmota 6.6.0 using MQTT, my MQTT broker is on an always-on stable Linux server, and my Wifi is a very reliable Ubiquiti setup. I use the Sonoff to control an exhaust fan by my bbq, keeps the smoke down, and keeps the white ceiling a bit cleaner. I also have a temperature/humidity sensor on GPIO3. I had a few wifi disconnects last week, and this week, twice the temperature sensor stopped reporting. A reboot solved it.
Tried connecting to the web interface and it stopped responding a few times.
Rebooted again and OTA flashed it to 6.7.0 and it seems solid now.

All my devices are now on 6.7.1 and so far so good, no wifi issues to note of.

However my HA is showing lots of new errors, for example this one:

2019-10-26 04:40:56 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt.binary_sensor] No matching payload found for entity: Garage Light 1 Button4 with state_topic: garage_lights_xx06xx/stat/RESULT

And buttons now appear in the integrations page. I am using HA auto discovery over MQTT, and I have kept all the settings the same, as in flashing new firmware does not overwrite settings.

Anyone else getting this?

I don’t see any difference with before. No extra errors in the log.

Are you using Auto discovery? I have a feeling that may be the issue.

I’ll try setting SetOption19 Off and On again and see if that fixes things.

All my tasmota devices are auto discovered.

Most of mine are on 6.7.1 now, had a couple that needed power cycling following upgrade before they would respond and 1 that needed reset 5 and then a reflash as it kept dropping WiFi every minute or so. They seem faster in the web interface and are staying connected.

How odd, it looks like it’s a known issue, others are gettings the ‘No matching payload found for entity’ error also here:

and here:

So I’ll have to see why they have only started to appear in v6.7.

I copied the code for the MQTT binary_sensor and am using a custom component for this now just to eliminate that ridiculous error.

I flash my own bin (around 450kb in size so don’t need minimal)

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Yes I am. seems a binary_sensor is now created in the integration… you can probably disable it. I have not tried.


OK I’m disabling them here and will restart. That should fix it as the entity is disappearing

EDIT: I am not getting the errors now after disabling the binary_sensor.*_btn’s It MAY be that this function is only in HA 0.101.0 (currently running b2 of that)

ALSO note core pre-2.6 is the ONLY supported core now.

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Glad to know I’m not the only one with the errors.

I should have said earlier that I’m running HA v0.100.3, and the binary sensor buttons only appeared after flashing Tasmota v6.7, with Tasmota v6.6 there is no binary sensor button.

I don’t think this is a HA change, more a Tasmota change that is causing the binary sensor buttons to appear. I think it’s probably a HA bug that is throwing the errors however.

Thanks for the tip about disabling the entities, I’ve tried it on a few devices and so far so good, no errors from that device then HA is restarted.

Also I’ve used core pre-2.6 and so far so good, my binaries are a little larger now, but using the minimal firmware I was able to update OK. :slight_smile:

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