When I click visit button and it try’s to open devicename.local
it never works.
It functions perfectly fine when I copy IP address from my router.
I have not seen any settings to fix that.
It’s because either you use a browser that doesn’t support mdns or you router is not supporting mdns names
It is the OS and not the browser that does the mDNS lookups, so changing browsers will not work.
mDNS is a non-routable protocol, so if you have split your network into VLANs or are using other methods like internal routers or WiFi segregation, then they will be on different mDNS networks.
I hoped that there is some setting that allows to use actual IP address
There is.
The ESPHome integration can accept IP addresses when adding hosts.
The ESPHome addon have a status_use_ping setting in its configuration options. Read the documentation on the addons info page in HA.
I did read Web Server Component before posting here.
I talks literally every sh** about how to add css_url and js_url but actually nothing about that how to make the device itself to be seen.
And actually it is absolute nonsense that u can add url to every other option but not to device itself.
The web server should just run on the IP address.
If you have given no port, then it is on port 80, which means you can leave out the port and just type http://<ip>
It is important to type http and not https, because there is no connection encryption possible on the service.