How should I think about scenes and automation?

I created my first two scenes. One for “evening” and one for “bedtime”. “Evening” sets bedroom lamp to brightness 100% and then bedtime sets brightness to 40%. So far, so good.

Then, wife goes to bed early. Uses app to turn off lamp. Then, “bedtime” automation fires and turns lamp back on. WAF reduced.

How should I approach the blending of scenes/automation and manual overrides? Or am I using scenes the wrong way?

Thank you

Sounds like you may need to set a condition that if the light is off, leave it off.

Post your automation and scenes and we can try and help.

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Yeah your trigger is causing the automation to fire so you need to use a condition to fix that.

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Ah okay, so conditions is the way to handle this… And if I’ve got a bunch of lights in that bedtime scene that exist in different rooms, then it seems like a pretty complex set of conditions. Perhaps, I should simplify the scenes to streamline.

Thank you, gents…