How to a parse serial string from an arduino?

Hi there.

I need some insights about how to parse a serial string, from an arduino connected to an Esp8266 in ESPHome.
The text string has the following format: <00:11:22:33>, being the digits the position of 4 diferent cover blinds.
I need to isolate the digits and convert them in the current positions of the blinds in Home Assistant.
I’ve managed to send commands from the ESP to the Arduino, but i have no luck updating the ESP from the arduino. I have some code that i could post here, but i was hoping to have a fresh start from your inputs.

Any tips?

More sample data. Adding debugging output helps → UART Bus — ESPHome

Eg. did you add the chevron’s and colons or is that from old arduino output?

Best to post what code you have to understand delimination etc…

The chevrons are added by the arduino code as start and end markers.
The meaning of the digits is not has i’ve stated above (i had forgoted) The digits mean: < blind number | Blind position | temperature | light level >

The code below is a mess but… i’m not a coder.

#include "esphome.h"

class UartReadLineSensor : public Component, public UARTDevice, public TextSensor {
  UartReadLineSensor(UARTComponent *parent) : UARTDevice(parent) {}

  void setup() override {
    // nothing to do here
  int readline(int readch, char *buffer, int len)
    static int pos = 0;
    int rpos;

    if (readch > 0) {
      switch (readch) {
        case '\n': // Ignore new-lines
        case '\r': // Return on CR
          rpos = pos;
          pos = 0;  // Reset position index ready for next time
          return rpos;
          if (pos < len-1) {
            buffer[pos++] = readch;
            buffer[pos] = 0;
    // No end of line has been found, so return -1.
    return -1;

  void loop() override {

	char startMarker = '<';
    char endMarker = '>';
	 char * stepper ;
	 char * position ;
	 char * temp ;
	 char * lum ;
    const int max_line_length = 80;
    static char buffer[max_line_length];
    while (available()) {
      if(readline(read(), buffer, max_line_length) > 0) {
    char * StrTokIndx; 				            // this is used by strtok() as an index

    StrTokIndx = strtok(buffer-1,"|");   // get the first control word
    //strcpy(MessageFromPC, StrTokIndx); 	// copy it to messageFromPC
    stepper = StrTokIndx;
    StrTokIndx = strtok(NULL, "|"); 		  // this continues after 1st ',' in the previous call
    position = StrTokIndx;    // convert this part to the first integer

    StrTokIndx = strtok(NULL, "|"); 		  // this continues after 2nd ',' in the previous call
    temp = StrTokIndx;     		// convert this part to the first integer

    StrTokIndx = strtok(NULL, ">");
    lum = StrTokIndx;    // last integer

It is based on the Custom UART Text Sensor example from esphome.
It kinda works but it slows down the ESP and makes it loose the connection.

I was hoping for a simpler solution, (a fresh start) via the uart bus
But i dont have a clue how to parse the data.