How to acces Home Assistant from Macbook Pro

Has anyone experienced troubles accesing homeassistant.local:8123 from their Macbook Pro? I had a friend install Home Assistent on a Raspberry Pi and set up our smart home from his windows PC, but i am not able to acces it now from my Mac.
I have never been able to acces Home Assistant from any one my apple products, but as soon I borrow a windows pc from my neighboor I can acces my Home Assistant. Is there anything I need to do with my Mac before it works?

Someone please help a so far “only apple tech-user” in need.

Use the actual IP of the Raspberry Pi. i.e. adjusting for your applicable IP as needed.


Same issue with YOURIP:8123 ? I use Firefox and Chrome on MacOS without any problem, I never tested with Safari.

What is the resulting message from the browser?

Are you using http: or https:?

I can access my Pi from my MBP using the full IP or homeassistant.local, no issues.

Tried this, and still couldn’t acces. The error was: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED
Btw, i am using Chrome.

I have tried both this morning. When going through homeassistant.local:8123 the error is DNS_PROBE_FINISHED_NXDOMAIN

When going through IP the error is: ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

This isn’t really a resolution to your problem but you may want to try the new Home Assistant app for macOS on the Apple App Store.

Connection refused would imply that either homeassistant isn’t listening, or the connection is being blocked.

We can eliminate the former as the interface can be accessed by other machines, so do you have some kind of firewall software on your mac that could blocking the connection?

ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED usually means that either

  • Your HA server is down
  • You used the wrong IP address
  • You used the wrong port

You can check for the correct IP address in Supervisor->System->Host System->IP address