Hi, very new to Home Assistant here so apologies in advance if the answer to my question is too obvious.
From the Call Service node, I was able to call a Camera Snapshot and just to know that it works, I as somehow able to create the test jpg file in the /config/tmp directory.
Thanks for explaining about HTTP.
Ideally I just want the files to be accessible internally by node-red so a ‘/config/tmp/’ is sufficient.
Can that be done without installing http?
The http integration serves all files and data required for the Home Assistant frontend. You only need to add this to your configuration file if you want to change any of the default settings.
I missed this the first time around, just create it. If you use vs code or the other file editor, at the top there is a add folder button. Then I think you need to restart for any files in there to be available.
Thanks, your screenshot is not familiar with me. I use the “terminal” mode so I created the www directory manually. But I’m trying to figure out how to access the path in a function.
E.g. just as a test, I made the snapshot to save to a .jpg file in the /media directory and I can see the file there. But I can’t get it to show in a Call Service like “http://192.168.x.x:8123/media/snapshot.jpg” (just shows blank).
So I figured there’s obviously some security restricting the picture from being retrieved?
I don’t want to complicate things by turning on http because it says anybody and everybody will be able to access the www directory.
Thanks! “local/tmp”? Interesting…I’ll give it a shot.
I’ve since found that the snapshot is not real time - it takes a copy from my Ring camera’s cache and is the same as me referencing to “…/api/proxy_camera/…?token=…” so even if it worked, it still doesn’t want do what I want…
But I’ll give it a go. Thanks very much for your help!