Hi everyone
I’ve always used a HA in Docker on Debian, installed on a Rasperry PI. My raspberry had a micro SD, with HA installed, and also an SSD which I used it for movies, using plex
I recently went to install HA supervised again on Debian, and I couldn’t do anything, it says it’s not compatible, etc.
So I decided to install HA OS. Ok, I installed it easily, and I also installed the plex server.
The question is: How in the plex do I inform that the media storage will be SSD? How do I “mount” an SSD on HA OS? Before, because I used Debian, the mount command was ok, but these commands do not work on HA OS.
How to proceed? Thank you in advance
Using plex, I´m only able to choose folders from the micro sd…
Using the command “ha os datadisk list” I’m able to list the SSD…but that´s all