How to access configuration files?

I am new to HA, I did setup al lot now, but sometimes integrations need some additional configuration. I have setup Samba, but cannot find these configurations in all the available shares. When I connect directly to the HA green, Its OS is HA which looks like I have too less knowledge/guidance to use. I am unfamiliar to SSH. Looking to all the topics in this community I did not manage to find a clue to find the mentioned configuration files. So my question is: how to find and access all the configuration files?
example 1: AlarmControlPanelEntity / code_arm_required needs to be set to False
example 2: I cannot upgrade my HA core because Tahoma/Somfy requires a certificate. It can be bypassed by setting an option to False.

There are several ways.
The easiest is probably to install either the File Editor or the Studio Code Server addon.
I prefer the Studio Code Server, because it has some more advanced features.

You have already dabbled a bit with Samba and that is another option, but it requires some frustrating tries to get the Windows machine and Linux (HAOS) to accept each other and you will have to use an editor on your Windows Machine then, which probably know nothing about HA and have the risk of messing it all up, because some keys are interpreted differently on Windows and Linux, like Enter.

Thank you for the reply. File editor works (which is very nice). I only need to find out in which file I need to update the configuration (none of the files mentions for example AlarmControlPanelEntity or code_arm_required). Maybe I have to add it to a file (which one I do not know for now :slight_smile: )

Yeah, that’s one of “not-good” solutions in HA - i remember when i started with HA i asked myself exactly the same question: what the heck is “config” and where to find it… this should be addressed better, or at least explained in installation section under basics. I think that file editor should be installed by default.