How to access Consumed Solar value


I’ve been attempting to do this for a while, but a large dataset and oddities in extracting SQL data is making it difficult. I’m attempting to calculate money I have saved by using my own solar, rather than purchasing from the grid

I have 3 Different Tariffs configured for different hours of the day. When viewing an individual day in the HA energy dashboard, I can see the Solar Consumed each hour. It appears this is calculated on the fly, as I can’t find a value anywhere which matches this.

Is there any way I can access this “Consumed Solar” value, so that I can perform calculations against it?


If you know SQL you can interrogate the recorder database statistics table.

The energy dashboard isn’t really good for anything but the simplest visual checks. This is why I use InfluxDB for long term data storage. I have access to the actual state values in Grafana to run queries. E.g. my last month’s energy breakdown: