I added another Lovelace dashboard, and it nuked my install. Getting “403: Forbidden” when I try to access any addresses that should work for Home Assistant. So now I want to restore from Snapshot. Problem is, I don’t know how to access the ‘hassio’ command from docker, or if it is even possible. without having installed SSH. I read Restore snapshot when there is no cli?. I have a bunch of .tar files I manually backed up from a folder called Backup which I assume are existing Snapshots, I’m just wondering if there’s any way to recover this.
So if anyone knows where the hassio command might ‘live’ in a Supervised install, that’d be grand.
In the alternative, if someone has a possible fix for what is probably a super-general error so I can Snapshot and fuck off to an install that isn’t about to be deprecated, that’d be swell too.