How to access InfluxDB cli form Hassio

Hi, running latest hassio/hassos on rpi3+ and installed a few addons such as ssh and influxdb. I want to issue influxdb commands but cannot access the influx command.

Seems almost impossible that we are confined to just the web interface of influxdb…

Thanks in advance for any help

PS: I have never worked with docker… but then again, even the docker command is not available…

Well, typical, I’ve been knocking my head against this docker access problem for weeks and just a few hours after posting, I finally figured it out. So here for the poor souls following in my traces.

Once i SSHed onto the rpi3+ (no matter how i did it) i always ended up in the hassio restricted shell where very few commands are available. Never noticed the banner saying we could type login and access the base system. I reread dozens of times the -help of the hassio command and it never states that we can just type login to access the remainder of the commands.

Once i typed login, for my particular problem, i could just type

docker exec -it 21332546_influxdb influx -username XXX -password XXX

and i was in, ready to do my deeds !


when you type login then it asks for a login id and a password. What login did you use ?

nothing, i type for my computer

ssh -p 22222 [email protected]

which logs me in the hassio restricted shell and then type


I’m not asked for a user name or password (i guess because i’m logged in as root)

what version do you have?
here is a snapshot of putty where you can see that the login command prompts me for a user.

ok worked for me too, but i have to work on the rpi and not connect to it using putty

I had installed the add-ons ssh and also tried “ssh & web terminal” but eventually disabled both. I formatted a USB key called **CONFIG** and followed the instructions to install authorized keys for ssh. so when I connect this is what i get.

If anyone else finds this via search, I logged into a supervised setup from the base OS (Raspbian) with

sudo docker exec -it e036d2cbc5ed influx -username XXX -password XXX

you might need

sudo docker container ls

to get the right container ID