How to access Linux in a HASSOS installation?

I have installed HA on mu RPi with the HA Operating System method, which is the recommended way to install. I want to use a Linux terminal in HASSOS. Ik can install the HA CLI, but I do not see how to install a Linux terminal. Alternatively I can try to access Linux from a different computer, but what is then the user name/password?

HASSOS is not a Linux OS. It is designed as a minimal hypervisor for the Home Assistant containers.

You can install the Terminal & SSH addon from the addon store (configuration > addons, backups & supervisor > addons > addons store - in the bottom right hand corner).

Then either open a terminal within your browser (configuration > addons, backups & supervisor > addons > terminal & ssh > open web ui) or just use another computer and SSH into the Pi (user root, password whatever you set up).

True but other OS use SSH & Terminal too. Since it was unclear what they were trying to accomplish I just wanted to make it clear that HASSOS is not Linux.

Ok, thanks for the answers. It was indeed not clear to me that HASSOS is a minimal OS without Linux.

Depending on your Pi You could run vanilla Debian with HA Supervised to get a similar experience. you would need to patch & update the OS yourself though,

There is no such thing as a “Linux OS”, but HAOSS uses the Linux kernel and common linux tools like busybox and docker (not the GNU tools, indeed).

Beware that this gets you in a separate container, not the OS itself.
To get to the OS proper, see

What do you call the Linux distributions most people call Linux then? I realize Linux is just the kernel but people expect a certain amount of userland programs that are not usually contained in a minimal, specific purpose OS.

Linux distributions :wink:
Really, the only thing properly called Linux is the kernel.

All the common tools are called GNU.
There is a project by Richard Stalllan to create a GNU Linux, but it’s ongoing… since more than a decade.

Hassos uses BusyBox, which is a single application gathering all the common tools from GNU

I try to use the terms as te general public expects then to help here. Many people use wifi instead of the proper trademarked term Wi-Fi for instance. I have even seen marketing get it wrong. Of course, people use hacker or hacked instead of the [proper cracker or cracked.

I try to help people out here on the forum using terms they understand. What you do is your personal choice. You are the first person here I have muted.

Lol. Sorry to have corrected your statement that hassos is any less of a Linux distro than any other.

Nobody uses “Linux OS”, so general public is not an issue here.

Nothing else than hassos uses SSH & terminal as a docker container to their CLI.

But yeah, this is 21st century, so truth doesn’t mean much anymore, does it.

A few notes on my experience enabling the ssh server:

  OS Version:               Home Assistant OS 8.4
  Home Assistant Core:      2022.8.4
  1. In order to be able to install the plugin, “Advanced mode” needs to be enabled under the user Profile.
  2. I needed to reboot the system (Settings → System → Hardware → top menu: Reboot host) after installation before the ssh server was able to start
  3. I was not able to add a public key using the UI configuration. However editing the YAML configuration worked fine.
  4. Remember to explicitly set the port even if it looks like 22/tcp is the default.

A comment to whether this is linux or not:

[core-ssh ~]$ uname -a
Linux core-ssh 5.15.55 #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Jul 23 16:24:51 UTC 2022 aarch64 Linux
[core-ssh ~]$ cat /etc/os-release 
NAME="Alpine Linux"
PRETTY_NAME="Alpine Linux v3.16"
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Hi there! I noticed that this is an older forum post, but I wanted to offer some assistance on accessing Linux in a HASSOS installation. If you're still looking to use a Linux terminal in HASSOS, you may want to check out Terminus or Hyper, which are terminal emulators that can be installed using the HA CLI. As for accessing Linux from a different computer, you'll need to connect to your HASSOS installation over SSH. The username and password should be the same as your HA credentials, although you may need to enable SSH access in your HASSOS configuration first. One thing to keep in mind is that if you're still running CentOS 7, it has reached its end-of-life support . I hope this helps, even though it's a bit late in the game!

It’s still a Linux OS, minimal or not.

You’re being unnecessarily pedantic. Linux OS, Linux distro, the meaning is the same. It’s Linux, just not with the robust set of packages that most people expect. HAOSS is a custom-built Linux distro that runs HA (and add-ons) in Docker containers. Anyone that wants to access the OS (not the container running HA) should follow the link included in this thread.

If using proper vocabulary is being pedantic, guilty as charged.
Rather than necroposting, learn what Linux actually is.

Excellent distallation of the process that I found a few hours too late :smile:

Really good point about having to enter 22 explicitly. That interface sure makes it look like 22 is already selected. Went through several frustrating iterations to figure that out.

Still trying to figure out the utility of a sandbox that doesn’t give any visibility to the hardware configuration. ifconfig works but gives totally bogus information, for example.