How to access logs prior to reboot?


My HASSIO installation has been rock solid until about a month ago or so? Recently, it seems to stop running occasionally?

When that happens, I cannot access the front end GUI. Power cycle the raspberry pi to get it back online.

I’d like to review logs to see what happened to cause the problem. However, the logs available via the HASSIO GUI only show activity since the reboot? How do I see the log activity from prior to the reboot?

Thanks in advance for the help!

Home Assistant 2022.9.4
Supervisor 2022.08.6
Operating System 9.0
Frontend 20220907.2 - latest
Raspberry Pi v3

If you have access to your config directory then the homeassistant.log file is located in the same directory as your configuration.yaml file.

If not you should probably set up a samba share or scp access to the directory.

Even outside of this issue having access to manually edit the config outside of HA itself comes in handy.

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Correction: Your Home Assistant OS installation. Hassio has not been a thing for years and using that term confuses new users. Please stop using it.

In addition to Finity’s advice you can access the log from before the reboot. The file is called config/homeassistant.log.1

Did you eventually find what was causing it? Mine goes offline every 2 or so days seemingly for no reason, I’ve been trawling through the logs every time it happens and can’t find what is causing it.

i didn’t figure it out. i’ve since applied updated versions. still has the same problem.

i think the RPI v3 HW probably needs to be upgraded. trying to decide if it’s worth spending $$ on NUC or ODROID. (i don’t feel like waiting for a RP4 or HA Yellow.)

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