How to access root local directory to insert images required for person. component

Totally newbie here. I have a raspberry pi installed with the home assistant image.
I was able to access the pi via URL: http://homeassistant.local:8123/ in my macOS.
So all the on-boarding has been set up, now comes to customization…

I wanted to do a simple change of changing the component: person.poponuts icon / avatar / image using the attribute: entity_picture . However, I am not sure what value / path to enter and how to access that directory. Obviously, I need to add an image like "/local/image.jpg"

Do I need to remove the SD card from the pi then access it via a Windows OS (after flashing the HA image, I am unable to read it from macOS) and place the image in the root directory: hassos-boot ?

Also, do I manually create a yaml file on that directory?

Install and configure the SAMBA addon. You will then be able to browse to the config folder from your Mac.

Create a config/www folder and restart.

You can then put your image in the www folder and access it with /local

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Thanks for your swift response.
As per your suggestion, I got it working by accessing raspberry directory via macOs using samba add-on.
Additional step was to include this line on the configuration.yaml then restarting the config:

  customize: !include customize.yaml