How to access RPI3 boot driver via VM?

I got an issue where my HA stop working completely on RPi 3 with SSD (120GB). The system doesn’t respond to any inputs nor display shows anything (just a blank monitor). I have tried to hard restart it, just by unplugging it. In addition, my SSH doesn’t work because I cannot even connect to it. I know that I have the latest backup on it but I cannot access it. Is there a way to boot a rpi3 instance on the VM machine or access the booted driver file structure so that I can extract at least the last backup I had? I just don’t want to start from scratch with 2 months of learning and setup of the HA.

I have had this type of behavior before when RPi just stops responding to anything, and I was thinking it is because of low CPU or RAM, but also it could be a space on an actual SSD.

This is my last resort to do it via recovery (because I already went over several options on the internet) unless I will start that from scratch with the new RPi 4 which I defiantly don’t want to do it right now.


You could plug the SSD in your VM host and attach it to a new Linux VM (whatever one), so that you can get the backups back.

That’s assuming the SSD is not actually the issue, ofc.