My project of the last few days has been trying to get a clickable dashboard of my local radio channels working. I’m 80% of the way there, I’d say.
I’ve currently got a few ‘picture glance’ tiles on a lovelace page pulling in the realtime ‘now playing’ images from the local radio website.
But I’ve got two problems:
I don’t know how or if I can overlay the textual ‘what’s playing info’. I have this info as a sensor in HA, but I haven’t found a way to put this info onto the image apart from having an entity card near the image which looks ugly
I’d like to be able to click/tap the image to start an automation which starts that particular channel playing on my speakers. I haven’t found out how to do this. Is it even possible with picture glance?!
I’m wondering if I might be better off trying to do this in floorplan?