How to achieve a clickable dashboard...going slightly mad

My project of the last few days has been trying to get a clickable dashboard of my local radio channels working. I’m 80% of the way there, I’d say.

I’ve currently got a few ‘picture glance’ tiles on a lovelace page pulling in the realtime ‘now playing’ images from the local radio website.

But I’ve got two problems:

  1. I don’t know how or if I can overlay the textual ‘what’s playing info’. I have this info as a sensor in HA, but I haven’t found a way to put this info onto the image apart from having an entity card near the image which looks ugly
  2. I’d like to be able to click/tap the image to start an automation which starts that particular channel playing on my speakers. I haven’t found out how to do this. Is it even possible with picture glance?!

I’m wondering if I might be better off trying to do this in floorplan?

Any help very welcome


How did you get the now playing images?

The glance card has a tap action:

aspect_ratio: 0%
camera_image: camera.front_entrance
  - entity: binary_sensor.motion_sensor_158d0001535b58
  - entity: media_player.tablet_kodi
image: ''
type: picture-glance
camera_view: live
  action: call-service
  service: script.radiostream

Could I use a sensor for the 'image'? The image URL changes every few minutes when a new DJ comes on air.

I guess if not I could try saving the image locally and then feeding that to the glance card?

Pythong scrape script running on another machine sending the payload to HA via MQTT and Node Red.

I guess you can set the glance card with the url of the file that the python script creates.

Then change the card view to live.

Ah - and you mean glance card as distinct from a picture-glance card? Because if not, isn’t that what I’m doing now? (And it’s not working!)

no, if you go to the gui and add a picture-glance card, you can see there’s a field for an image url.

The example I used above you would remove

camera_image: camera.front_entrance

And replace with

image: /myimageurl.jpg

Perhaps show the code you are using