How to actually setup Tibber with Tibber Pulse

#tibber #energy #dashboard

So, the Tibber integration gives me several different sensors as options for the Energy Dashboard.
I also run the PULSE real time device that is bought through Tibber, witch adds more I guess.

The issue I’m having is dead simple;
What specific sensor to put in to the “Consumed Energy” field, inside Settings\Dashboard\Energy\Configure grid consumption.

Best regards

I guess you’ve found out in the meantime, but you’ll need the sensor starting with


You should have a tibber:energy_consumption_HOMEID statistics. I recommend using that.

I have been using sensor.last_meter_consumption_ but have issues with it not being updated, sometimes last update was 4 or 5 hours ago.
Is there somewhere I can trigger polling the Tibber Pulse?
NB: I am not a paying Tibber customer but use my dev API.

@Danielhiversen I can not find tibber:energy_consumption_HOMEID. Did you get it out of the box?


Hmmm. Here it is refreshing every 5-8 seconds, but I am a paying Tibber customer :wink:
So I can’t tell you where to find it or to poll, sorry.

Oh, and that energy_consumption_HOMEID sensor…I don’t have it either.

Turns out I should be able to read live data via Tibber Developer whether I’m a paying customer or not, and I can only get live data from production at the moment. Yesterday evening I could read consumption data live, but not production.

It seems HASS is not the culprit here at least.

energy_consumption_HOMEID is not a sensor, but a statistic. So can be used in the energy dashboard

Thank you. Could it be that this has been changed or deprecated either in the Tibber API or the HASS platform?

When I go to Developer Tools and the Statistics (or States for that matter) tab I cannot find any Statistic called energy_consumption_HOMEID (_HOMEID is _stugan in my case).

After many, many tries, I managed to get everything to work as I wish, by connecting the Pulse to MQTT and AMS HAN.
I get prices from HACS NordPool integration and PV production from HACS Huawei Solar.

I now (finally) have live meters of when and how much I’m selling to the grid and when and how much I purchase from the grid. The HASS Energy Dashboard won’t be showing proper statistics until tomorrow but I can live with that :wink:

you should configure it as the from grid source when configuring the energy dashboard

From the MQTT/AMS HAN integration with the Pulse I’ve used

  • sensor.lgf_active_power_import_total as Grid Consumption (.lgf_ is the Landis+Gyr E360 power meter)
  • sensor.lgf_active_power_export_total as Return to grid
  • sensor.inverter_total_yield as Solar Production (from the SUN2000 Inverter)

The only issue I have know, is that the energy dashboard does not update “live” but only once per hour.
And it would be nice to be able to use the Grid total calculations (both power and money) from the Energy sources table in the Energy dashboard as “entities”

NB: It seems I misinterpreted the information I got from the Pulse via the Tibber developer API, as the house consumes the power it needs before returning the surplus to the grid, so the accumulatedConsumptionLasthour returns 0 while the panels produce a surplus of power.

I guess I actually got the data, measures and statistics I was looking for from the Pulse via the official Tibber integration. But now I at least know how to set up MQTT :wink:

Can somebody help me with this? I have 2 growatt inverters and instead of reading them trough Growatt I read them trough Tibber. (Growatt doesn’t seem to like the interval and blocked my account after a day) In my timber app I see both inverters. In each inverter I can see what they produced today.

but in the Tibber integration there is an sensor called ‘sensor.accumulated_production_reinemoen’ that sensor gives me a production for today for 1.04kWh while in the Growatt app I can see that today was 11.1kwh. If I add the numbers of both inverters in Tibber I get about the same amount.

I get the impression that the HA integration not see both of the inverters, but then again then the amount in HA should match one of the inverters. It doesn’t

Yesterday HA reported 10.73kWh, but in real it was 31.80kWh.

Is there somebody who can point me in a direction toward the solution?

