How to add 3 days to now()

I am using an equation to activate a template sensor for a waste notification. The waste is collected on Thursday, so the switch can be switched on Friday. With the current formula, this only happens on Sunday. How can I add 3 days to now () so that the new week begins at friday?

> # switch restafval
>   - platform: template
>     sensors:
>       restafval:
>         friendly_name: "Restafval"          
>         value_template: '{{ ((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.25 == (((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.25) | round(0) }}'
>         icon_template: mdi:trash-can 
> # switch GFT
>   - platform: template
>     sensors:
>       gft:
>         friendly_name: "GFT"          
>         value_template: '{{ ((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 2) == ((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 2) | round(0) }}'
>         icon_template: mdi:apple
> # switch Plastic
>   - platform: template
>     sensors:
>       plastic:
>         entity_id:
>         friendly_name: "Plastic"
>         value_template: '{{ ((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.75 == (((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.75) | round(0) }}'
>         icon_template: mdi:bottle-wine´

Have you seen this?

It’s a lot easier to track waste collection with.

Thanks for the answer. Unfortunately no addon, installation
Installation via github is difficult. but I have succeeded before, I give it a try.

I would like to help but I don’t understand what you want those Template Sensors to show. For example, this template appears to do very little because it compares nearly identical expressions:

{{ ((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.25 == (((now().strftime("%U") | int) / 4)-0.25) | round(0) }}

In addition, it may work when tested in the Template Editor but will not work in a Template Sensor because it lacks entities. See this for more information: Templates without entities using now()

If you want a Template Binary Sensor that indicates on when today is Thursday, consider this:

         value_template: "{{ now().weekday() == 3  }}"

It requires that you use the Time & Date integration and define

With this template I set the sensors on and off.
Below an example off the cards that I use.
It works but the carbage is collected at thursday.
So the sensors may switch on friday.
trash cards .

I have followed the manual installation and put the file in custom_components.
First I add it with intergrations but then I had only one sensor, I need 3.
So I delete this integration and add it manually to the configuration.yaml.
Now it works.
Is there also a way to color the next waste icon?