How to add a new account and how many accounts can I have?

How and where can I add a new account besides the owner account, and how many accounts can I have? For exemple, I am a business owner and i want to add multiple accounts for my employees. I may want to add a big number of accounts. Is it possible? If yes, where?

Presumably you’re talking about users, as opposed to, say, Home Assistant Cloud accounts?

Yes, exactly! But I didn´t see how many users I can have, or if there´s a limit to it on the documentation. Do you know where can I find this information?

Hi livia_esmeraldo,

If I were to guess the limit is the size of an int or until you run out of room, but you should look at the code to see for sure.

My best guess is many thousand.
The issue is as such not the amount of accounts, but instead the draw on resources, like ram, CPU and storage when they are connected.
The draw depends on your setup of sensors and devices and what you present to the users on their dashboard, so that is harder to predict.

Don’t know the answer to that, I’m afraid - it’s not something that often comes up with a domestic installation.

May I ask why you need a lot of users? If you are planning to give each employee access to a different dashboard, for example, there may be a huge amount of work involved. Might it be enough to have one admin user for your own use and a small number of others for employees at different levels?

The employees were just an exemple. Actually, we are planning to give them together with a system for companies. For example a mall, that have multiple business, and each one of them may want to have their own user account for privacy purposes

Thank you, that was very helpful. The number of cameras that we can add would also depend on the amount of resources I suppose?

I believe all of this is resources.

Probably don’t want to run in on an RPi for something this size.

For cameras, might want to run Blue Iris or Frigate and feed those to HA to limit the need for HA to process everything. Of course, those also have resource limits. So, probably two servers. One for cameras and one for HA.

The camera server probably needs/wants a GPU. The HA server can be much less then.

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HA is really not designed for this purpose.
It can probably do it, but the segmentation between the business users would not be that good and you might have access occurring between the business users, both unintended and intended.
One HA per business is probably a better idea and with a Google Coral stick you might even be able to run HA and a few cameras on a Raspberry Pi 4 with some filters active.