How to add a "Restart Home Assistant" button to Sidebar?

How to add a “Restart Home Assistant” button to Sidebar? It seems like the best I can do is open a URL, not call a service.


why do you want it there

You should be doing a “Check Config” first before a restart.

With this code you can add “Server Controls” panel to your sidebar. It will be two clicks though, not just one like you want.


Thank you. This is even better than what I wanted since I can also validate my configuration file right before doing that.

EDIT: I just added this. What a great hack. Very useful!

If you are running a HA OS install, a config check happens before a Home Assistant restart. (But not a host reboot).
If an error is found a persistent notification is made and it will not actually restart.

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Many thanks.

However, in current Home Assistant, this does not work any longer and I got a blank page when clicking on the “Server Controls” item in the sidebar.
I have fixed it accordingly, see here, also with an example of adding a second menu item: Github Gist: Acqua-H/panel-redirect

I figured out how to add a sidebar menu item to restart Home Assistant with one click. I wrote some custom JS that checks for ?shouldRestart=1 in the URL. If this is found, then it calls the homeassistant.restart service via the websocket connection (after clearing the query param so it doesn’t keep restarting in a loop.) If the JS doesn’t work for any reason, then you still end up on the developer-tools/yaml page where you can click the Restart button manually.

  • config/configuration.yaml:
    - /local/custom.js

  - name: ha_restart
    sidebar_title: Restart
    sidebar_icon: mdi:restart
    js_url: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js
    url_path: 'developer-tools/yaml?shouldRestart=1'
    embed_iframe: true
    require_admin: true
      ingress: core_configurator

  • config/www/custom.js:
// We need a 'locationchange' event
(function () {
  const pushState = history.pushState;
  history.pushState = function () {
    pushState.apply(history, arguments);
    window.dispatchEvent(new Event("pushstate"));
    window.dispatchEvent(new Event("locationchange"));

function checkShouldRestart() {
  const urlSearchParams = new URLSearchParams(;
  if (urlSearchParams.get("shouldRestart") !== "1") {
    "Found ?shouldRestart=1 in URL, restarting Home Assistant Core..."
  // Clear shouldRestart parameter from URL
  const newUrl = new URL(document.location.href); = "";
  history.pushState({}, "", newUrl);

  hassConnection.then(({ conn }) => {
    console.warn("Sending restart command...");
        type: "execute_script",
        sequence: [
            service: "homeassistant.restart",
            data: {},
        id: ++conn.commandId,

window.addEventListener("locationchange", checkShouldRestart);
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in case anyone finds this in 2023. I just found a useful chrome addon that puts a check config and restart button into the extensions bar in chrome. Home Assistant Quick Restart - Chrome Web Store
might be useful to someone else


Best Thing since invention of toilet paper!! Thanks for sharing!

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glad it helped someone !

Thanks! This is also available as a Firefox add-on.

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for all those on HA OS this folder means


I had first search for the config folder I could not find, but when I saw the www I remembered, that this is the local directory used for jpg and js and so on.

And then I remembered that “config” in this case means the homeassistant install directory like local/www adresses that directory.

Here is a screenshot of how that looks and feels.

ATTENTION: if you click that upper circle button you will get an INSTANT restart without any interaction !

Once you have clicked on it then the “tools” page will be opened while the system instantly starts to reboot or would stop there if there is another issue.

Not sure what kind of restart, therefore is there an option to choose a full reboot or the short one via config or so?
I would like to have that option which I can change in the code.

THANKS a lot, will save time for sure.