How to add a second generic camera

Hi All,
I managed to get one camera working in HA as generic camera, by using

Can someone help me how to add a second camera, being
rtsp:// ?
When I try adding this it always say:

Btw, I can view the camera image in VLC

Thanks in advance

I suggest starting with TCP and Basic authentication.

You can also look at the options for your working camera to see if they are the same.

Hi Dave,

they are physically and from configuration point also the same, used via NVR.

They can be viewed via VLC also.

I can put any of these cameras (by rtsp link provided in the original post) as first generic camera in HA working correctly. Problem is when I want to setup any other camera as second generic in HA.

Correct me if I am wrong:

  1. There is a camera which you already connected to HA (1st generic camera).
  2. This camera has at least two streams. Many cameras do - like “1080p stream”, “720p stream”.
  3. Each stream has own rtsp address which may be acquired in the camera settings (go to the camera web interface → settings → find links for each stream).
  4. And you want to add the 2nd stream for this camera as “generic camera”. But you cannot since it fails.

Hi Ildar,

they have main stream and sub stream, but all configured as main stream.

The links they can be accessed are:

I can view any above link in VLC, and any can be set as first generic camera in HA. Problem appear, when I try to setup another camera from above list as second generic camera

Managed to add 2nd generic camera for the 2nd stream.
Addresses are

rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/RVi/1/1
rtsp://xxx:[email protected]:554/RVi/1/2

Settings are same, only the address is different:

great, thank you!
Re-created the generic cameras, now they work!