I’ve got 3 Heatmiser NeoStats that show up as climate devices but don’t update their data once first loaded (although they will do other functionality like setting the temperature from Hassio), using the Homekit controller component in Hassio.
The Homekit controller page says "You may need additional packages to support the HomeKit Python module: $ sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev libmpfr-dev libmpc-dev"
My understanding is Hass.io has no command line option, so how would I get the additional packages loaded?
This is the most frustrating part of using HASSIO – for example, I cannot use the Raspberry Pi Camera component because raspistill (provided by the raspberrypi package in Alpine Linux) is not installed!
Why the Hassio developers would leave this package out of the official HASSIO Raspberry Pi 3 image defies explanation