How to add IP camera

I am new to HA. Just got HA installed a few days ago. It found a lot of compatible devices. However, I have a few IP cameras. Can I connected them via IP? One is certainly smart camera TP Link Tapo C200. However, I have no way to add it in device. Others are 3rd party (pure IP camera). Currently all IP camera are linked to an old PC running ContaCam survillance software via RTSP. Anyway to get this into HA?

Check out the Camera and the Generic Camera integrations.

Thanks. Check generic camera. I have faleemi camera. figure out stream source URL rtsp://x.x.x.x/live/ch0. but couldn’t find still image URL. Anyone know how to try?

For your TP-Cam you could use the Tapo-integration below

Your other (pure IP camera) device, you have to find the RSTP -URL setting , using i.e Google :wink: , none here can tell what brand/version by your description (pure IP camera) Tapo C200 is also a “Pure Ip Camera” , unless you found another way to view the stream

Edit: yo dont need to provide the still image url, in “Generic camera”, but choose UDP And basic auth(the credentials) for your cam
( your “url” seems to miss a :port-nr ) but maybe it doesn’t matter, if it “works” without)

Thanks. Looks like I need install HACS first. Searched net, I am running HA from container station of Qnap NAS (Docker). At Qnap NAS console, I find containers execute console. However, I couldn’t find directory home/username/home assistant. in home directory, it is empty. I download HACS index.html file to config folder. restart the HA. it seems not get HACS working as I can’t find HACS in intergration. What is wrong?

Well you also didn’t tell which HA-Install(type) you are running, can’t help you upon your “very specific” setup

solved. mybe my typo error.

Please provide your “Solution” in here in this Topic ,so others can find “Help” if they experience/search for the same/similar issues, You did choose a nice/short description in your Header [How to add IP camera"
So im sure alot people will get this Topic in top of their searches
 would be quite annoying with an answer like (solved. mybe my typo error.)

I mentioned it is typo error. As soon as I type correctly in config folder, wget command line. I can see download and unzip and installation rather than download an index.html. file. Then, it works.

Also, Faleemi support feedback.
rtsp://x.x.x.x/live/ch0 do works. however, image link Faleemi support provided won’t work. It works on paste on broswer. However, in HA generic camera section, it won’t accept. I leave it as blank to get pass the configure.

I setup a few generic camera via IP. It shows up at Entities section. However, I couldn’t find in overview dashboard or devices section. The camera does show the video if clicks it in entities section. Where can I add to dashboard?

my HA version is Home Assistant 2023.9.3 frontend 20230911.0-latest

Thanks Boheme61. Tapo control works for my TP Link Tapo C200 Camera. I can see it on dashboard

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you can use i.e picture entity-card and/or several others, The " Generic Camera" should however show up under /Settings/Devices-Services

Here is a simple code for adding it to “Picture -entity-Card”

type: picture-entity
entity: your camera.entity
show_state: false
show_name: false
camera_view: live

PS: Beside the official/Native Cards ( Read the documentation “Docs” link above in the Forum, there are examples showing which features the various cards supports/offer ) or You can search in HACS for Custom:Cards ( not sure if there is many, but i guess some

Docs.> Fronend > Dashboards > Cards

Thanks. Got them in dashboard now with your script

try do automation for camera motion detection. Can’t figure out for generic camera. 1. in develop tools. stat, select the camera, add motion_detect: True. set stat button. It shows on attribute. However, it seems not saved after reload the page. 2. I can’t find anywhere to list generic camera in device section. only in entity. how to add them to “device” section?